Planning an agenda makes Sims confident, as does Create Lesson Plan, but only for about 3 hours. As such, a lot of their work from home tasks will revolve around using the computer to review budget proposals, plan agendas for meetings, and writing recommendation letters. The Administrator Branch focuses mostly on the budgeting side of education. Grade Homework in Teacher's Portfolio, Reach Level 5 Research and Debate Skill, Level 2 Charisma Skill Grade Homework in Teacher's Portfolio, Reach Level 4 Research and Debate Skill, Level 2 Logic Skill Grade Homework in Teacher's Portfolio, Reach Level 3 Research and Debate Skill Grade Homework in Teacher's Portfolio, Reach Level 2 Research and Debate Skill They can teach Health, Technology, Art, Communication, and Entertainment. Teachers are able to eventually tutor students online to make a little side cash, but it's not much.

Because of its steady Monday to Friday shifts advancement can be fairly rapid with a good routine. Overall this is a fairly simple career that will be made much easier if you get ahead of the two logic levels. Teachers all unlock the desk and apple clock you will see in the pictures for Administrator and Professor found below. If you happen to lose your Teacher's book, you can find one at a bookshelf under 'Homework Books'. You'll need to use the Teacher's Portfolio you can find in your Sim's inventory to grade papers. You get paid the same, but performance is gained a bit later. Education is a work from home career, meaning you can choose not to go into work and instead complete a couple tasks.