I mean, really? Some have mouths for eyes, others have eyes for mouths.
The fact that I wield void energies doesn't mean I plan to consume everything I see. Edgier than Vereesa, but slightly less homicidal than the dead one. Alleria is my favorite Windrunner sister. Would you believe purple has always been my favorite color? Even before I went void, I mean. Say what you will about the tenets of the Void. If you're looking for tall, dark, and brooding, that's me. I bet you weren't expecting a VOID elf, now were you? When studying shadow magic, one learns to be flexible. But in your case, I'll make an exception. What am I into? Let's just say some of my proclivities can run a bit. Those who play as void elves can choose from the following classes: Spatial Rift: Rip a hole in space and time, transporting you to the targeted location. Reactivate this ability to teleport through the rift.
Preternatural Calm: Your spell casts are not delayed by taking damage. Ethereal Connection: Reduces the cost of Void Storage and Transmogrification by 50%. It has a 33% proc chance with 60 seconds internal cooldown. Entropic Embrace increases damage and healing by 5% for 12 sec. Entropic Embrace: Your abilities have a chance to empower you with the essence of the Void. Chill of Night: Reduces Shadow damage taken by 1%.
You can help expand it by clicking Edit to the right of the section title. You can change the previewed race by clicking on the arrow below the picture on the armor's page.Note: This is a generic section stub. *according to the comments, you get all three colors of the Mag'har Orc's armor
Tauren: (the big totem is a cloak: Totem de chef ancestral). Blood Elf: (Questline starts in Orgrimmar: La fierté des Sin’dorei). Dwarf: (Questline starts in Stormwind: Garder les pieds sur terre). Visit the Embassy to find the quest giver ( Stormwind / Orgrimmar). Older/main races may complete a quest chain to get their heritage armor (level 120 and exalted with their matching faction possibly additional requirements, depending on the race). Once earned, you can use this transmog on every alt of that race. The ones of allied races require to level up one character of that race without a level boost (heirlooms are allowed) and gain the achievement (like C’est en sancteforgeant qu’on devient…).